What is Bargain Booksy's refund policy?

Updated by Kali

Authors may cancel a Bargain Booksy promotion for a full refund up to 3 days before the promotion's run date. If a title is priced above $4.99 or is free on the day of the promotion, we will cancel the promotion and we are unable to refund or reschedule the promotion. Titles priced under $4.99 will run even if the title's price is higher than expected.

For example:

To Kill a Mockingbird is scheduled to run as a Bargain Booksy promotion on August 5th at a price of $0.99.

The publisher cancels the promotion on August 1st --> The publisher received a full refund

The publisher cancels the promotion on August 3rd --> The publisher does not receive a refund

The publisher does not cancel the promotion and on August 5th, the title is priced at $11.99 --> The publisher does not receive a refund and the title will not run

The publisher does not cancel the promotion and on August 5th, the title is priced at $2.99 --> The title will run in the Bargain Booksy email on August 5th

Please contact us if you have any questions.

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