What are the different promotion options for authors on Audio Thicket?
Audio Thicket currently sends two weekly emails:
- The Mystery Monday Email
- Audible Picks Email
1) The Mystery Monday Email
Genres: The Mystery Monday Email goes out to listeners interested in mystery, thriller, and true crime content.
Timing: The Mystery Monday email goes out every Monday
Audiobook Pricing Criteria: There are 2 Mystery Monday promotions available:
1a) Weekly Deal / Deal of the Day:
This promotion is for free or discounted audiobooks. Audiobooks must be free or priced at $4.99 or below on Apple and/or Google Play to qualify. The Deal of the Day audiobook will also include an Audible link.

1b) Audible Exclusive:
This promotion is for audiobooks exclusive to Amazon. There is only one Audible Exclusive audiobook per Mystery Monday email.

2) Audible Picks Email
Genres: The Audible Picks Email goes out to listeners interested in Mystery, Thriller & Suspense, True Crime, Steamy Romance, Clean Romance, and Fantasy.
Timing: The Audible Picks Email goes out on Wednesdays.
Audiobook Pricing Criteria: The audiobook does not need to be discounted on Audible. Listeners will use their Audible credits to access your audiobook.
The Audible Picks promotion includes:
- Your audiobook in the weekly Audible Picks email.
- An “Audible Credit” link for listeners to redeem the book through their Audible membership.
- Inclusion on the Weekly Audible Picks page on the website.