How do I purchase multiple promotions at once?
Across all Written Word Media brands, you can purchase multiple promotions all in the same transaction by adding features to your cart.
Once you have made your way through the purchase process for your first promotion, simply hit "Add to Cart" and your first feature will be added to your cart. A pop-up window will then give you the option to either "Checkout Now" or "Continue Shopping". Simply select "Continue Shopping" to purchase your next promotion. This can be completed multiple times.

Once you have added all relevant promotions to your cart, click the "Checkout Now" button. This will direct you to the payment portal where you can review and pay for your order.
To purchase a feature for Freebooksy, Bargain Booksy, Red Feather Romance, NewInBooks, Audio Thicket, or Reader Reach Ads, head to the Written Word Media Author and Publisher Payment Portal.