How do I read my exported list of subscribers?

Updated by Kali

After downloading your email subscriber list from your member portal, you’ll notice several columns in the file. Here's a quick breakdown of each one:

  • First Name and Last Name: These columns show your subscribers' names.
  • Subscriber Email: The email address of each subscriber
  • Opt-In Date: The date the subscriber signed up for your newsletter.
  • Source: This indicates where the subscriber came from, typically the name of the Subscriber Surge Giveaway you joined.
  • Imported On: The date the subscriber’s information was added to your member portal, which should match the Opt-In Date.
  • Opt-In Status: This shows either ‘Single’ or ‘Double’. ‘Double’ means the subscriber confirmed their interest twice, so they’re eager to hear from you!

When someone signs up for your email list, a double opt-in process adds an extra step to confirm their interest. After they enter their email address, they receive a confirmation email asking them to click a link to verify that their email address is accurate.

If the subscriber completes this second step, they're considered a double opt-in subscriber. This method helps ensure that the subscriber wants to receive your emails, reduces the chances of fake or mistyped email addresses, and can improve the overall quality of your email list.

On your subscriber list, if you see "Double" under Opt-In Status, it means the subscriber followed this two-step process. If it says "Single," they only provided their email without confirming through a second step.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us!

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