Do I have to wait 30 days to promote the same book on Bargain Booksy again?

Updated by Melissa Bartlett

Bargain Booksy necessitates a 30-day gap between promotions of the same title.

We have found that running promotions too closely together can lead to lackluster results. The 30-day wait time allows us to build our list and acquire more readers who will want to read your book.

Authors can promote multiple titles on Bargain Booksy at one time without a 30-day gap in promotions.

For example: If you run a promotion for "Title A" with Bargain Booksy on March 1st, you cannot promote that book again with Bargain Booksy until April 1st. However, you can promote "Title A" with Bargain Booksy on March 1st and "Title B" with Bargain Booksy on March 2nd.

We do not necessitate a 30-day gap between promotions across different sites.

For example: If you run a promotion for "Title A" on Bargain Booksy on March 1st, you cannot promote that book again with Bargain Booksy until April 1st. However, you can promote "Title A" with Bargain Booksy on March 1st, then promote the same title with Freebooksy on March 2nd.

Different authors have different motivations and strategies for their book promotions. Some want to get their books out there as much as possible. These authors often promote each of their books with us once every 30 days.

Other authors want to get big spikes of engagement out of all of their promotions with us. These authors promote their books with us on a 90-day cycle. By waiting 90-days, we have time to rebuild our list so you can be sure to reach new readers.

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