What is a Bargain Booksy Deal of the Day Feature?

Updated by Melissa Bartlett

Bargain Booksy Deal of the Day Features are promotions that include placement in the Bargain Booksy and Freebooksy newsletters.

These premium features are available in the Romance, Mystery, Fantasy, and Science Fiction genres. Deal of The Day Features range in price from $95-$240 and reach 310,000-504,000 readers per day, depending on the book genre. To purchase a Deal of the Day Feature, click here.

In order to qualify for a Deal of the Day Feature, your book must:

  • Be priced between $0.99 & $5.
  • Be over 100 pages in length.
  • Be high quality and is subject to editorial review.
  • Must not have been promoted on Bargain Booksy within the past 30 days.

Bargain Booksy Deal of the Day Features include:

  • Standard placement in the Bargain Booksy newsletter.
  • Placement on the Bargain Booksy website.
  • Highlighted Placement in the Freebooksy email.

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