Can I get a discount for buying Reader Reach Ads in bulk?
At this time, Reader Reach Ads are not available to purchase in bulk at a discounted price.
Click here to purchase a regularly priced Reader Reach Ad.
Written Word Media
How do I get my discount?
How do I sign up for Membership?
What is Written Word Media Membership?
How do I access early inventory?
What are the benefits of Membership?
Can I change my membership to month-to-month?
What is the Membership refund policy?
How do I join the Facebook community?
How long does my Membership last?
How do I upgrade my plan?
How do I cancel my membership?
General Information
Who is Written Word Media?
I am seeing a charge from Written Word Media, what does that mean?
How do I get a copy of my receipt?
How do I create a Written Word Media Account?
What is a Written Word Media Account?
How can I change the email address for my Written Word Media Account?
Do you offer a discount if I purchase several promotions across different sites?
Do you help authors publish books?
It looks like there is an error in one of my promotions in my Written Word Media Account, what do I do?
I promoted with you a few years ago, but I don’t see the promotion in my author dashboard, what’s going on?
What is Written Word Media's refund policy?
Does Written Word Media accept direct links for promotions?
Do I have to wait 30 days to promote the same book with you?
What is an order?
How do I access my order receipt?
How can I change the password for my Written Word Media account?
How do I remove features from my cart?
How do I contact Written Word Media?
How do I enter a coupon code in the shopping cart?
How do I update my billing information?
Which Promo Partners accept direct/author store links?
Can I get a personalized book marketing consultation?
What are the criteria for direct/author store links?
How do I purchase multiple promotions at once?
Freebooksy Author Information
Freebooksy General Information
What is a Freebooksy Promotion?
What is a Freebooksy Series Promotion?
What retailers do you include in Freebooksy promotions?
Can I include non-Amazon US links in a Freebooksy Promotion?
Does my book being in KU count as "free" for Freebooksy Promotions?
How do I set my book price to free for a Freebooksy Promotion?
How can I get readers to leave reviews for my book after a Freebooksy Promotion?
What is Readers' List on Freebooksy?
Purchasing a Freebooksy Feature
Can I get a discount for buying Freebooksy features in bulk?
Can I purchase a Freebooksy Promotion if my book isn't live yet?
What happens if I purchase a Freebooksy Feature and then I need to change the date of my promotion?
How soon will I know if my book has been accepted for a Freebooksy Feature?
How do I set up a Freebooksy Feature?
Where do I submit my book information for a Freebooksy Feature?
How much does a Freebooksy Feature cost?
What is Freebooksy's refund policy?
Freebooksy Editorial Guidelines
Does Freebooksy promote books that are not free?
I’m not sure what Freebooksy genre my book fits into, how can I tell?
Do I have to wait 30 days to promote the same book on Freebooksy again?
What are Freebooksy's Editorial Guidelines?
Can I promote a box set on Freebooksy?
What if I pay for a Freebooksy feature and my book does not meet your editorial criteria?
Does Freebooksy promote books that are not written in English?
Can I start my Freebooksy Promotion with my book at one price and then switch the price during the day of the promotion?
How long does my book have to be in order to run a Freebooksy Promotion? Do you accept Novellas?
Does Freebooksy accept books that are available on pre-order?
What are Freebooksy's editorial guidelines for book descriptions?
Can I promote any kind of book with Freebooksy?
Freebooksy Reader Information
How do I subscribe to Freebooksy?
How do I change my Freebooksy newsletter preferences?
I'm not receiving my Freebooksy newsletter anymore, why?
A book in my email wasn't free, how do I let you know?
What can I do to make sure I get Freebooksy emails every day?
How do I change which email address receives the Freebooksy newsletter?
What is Freebooksy?
I have a friend who wants to start receiving Freebooksy emails, how do I sign them up?
Is Freebooksy on social media anywhere?
How do I download just one book from a series page?
Bargain Booksy
Bargain Booksy Author Information
Bargain Booksy General Information
What is a Bargain Booksy Promotion?
What is a Bargain Booksy Deal of the Day Feature?
How can I get readers to leave reviews for my book after a Bargain Booksy Promotion?
What retailers do you include in Bargain Booksy promotions?
Can I include non-Amazon US links in a Bargain Booksy Promotion?
Does Bargain Booksy promote audiobooks?
How do I discount my book on Amazon for a Bargain Booksy Promotion?
What is Readers' List for Bargain Booksy?
What is a Bargain Booksy Limelight feature?
What is a Bargain Booksy Freebie of the Day Feature?
Purchasing a Bargain Booksy Feature
How much does a Bargain Booksy Feature cost?
How soon will I know if my book has been accepted for a Bargain Booksy Feature?
Where do I submit my book information for a Bargain Booksy Feature?
Can I get a discount for buying Bargain Booksy Features in bulk?
What if I pay for a Bargain Booksy feature and my book does not meet your editorial criteria?
How do I set up a Bargain Booksy Feature?
Can I purchase a Bargain Booksy Promotion if my book isn't live yet?
What happens if I purchase a Bargain Booksy Feature and then I need to change the date of my promotion?
What is Bargain Booksy's refund policy?
Bargain Booksy Editorial Guidelines
What are Bargain Booksy's Editorial Guidelines?
I’m not sure what Bargain Booksy genre my book fits into, how can I tell?
Does Bargain Booksy promote books that are not written in English?
Does Bargain Booksy promote books that are free?
How long does my book have to be in order to run a Bargain Booksy Promotion? Do you accept Novellas?
Can I promote any kind of book with Bargain Booksy?
Do I have to wait 30 days to promote the same book on Bargain Booksy again?
What are Bargain Booksy's editorial guidelines for book descriptions?
Can I promote a box set on Bargain Booksy?
Can I start my Bargain Booksy Promotion with my book at one price and then switch the price during the day of the promotion?
Does Bargain Booksy accept books that are available on pre-order?
Bargain Booksy Reader Information
What is Bargain Booksy?
How do I subscribe to Bargain Booksy?
Is Bargain Booksy on social media anywhere?
How do I change my Bargain Booksy newsletter preferences?
I have a friend who wants to start receiving Bargain Booksy emails, how do I sign them up?
I'm not receiving my Bargain Booksy newsletter anymore, why?
Can I get discounted books from Bargain Booksy if I am outside of the US?
A book in my email wasn't it's discounted price, how do I let you know?
What can I do to make sure I get Bargain Booksy emails every day?
How do I change which email address receives the Bargain Booksy newsletter?
How do I unsubscribe from Bargain Booksy?
Red Feather Romance
Red Feather Romance Author Information
Red Feather Romance General Information
What is a Red Feather Romance Promotion?
Does Red Feather Romance promote audiobooks?
What retailers do you include in Red Feather Romance promotions?
How can I get readers to leave reviews for my book after a Red Feather Romance Promotion?
Can I include non-Amazon US links in a Red Feather Romance Promotion?
What is Readers' List for Red Feather Romance?
What is a Red Feather Romance Limelight feature?
Purchasing a Red Feather Romance Feature
How much does a Red Feather Romance Feature cost?
Can I purchase a Red Feather Romance Promotion if my book isn't live yet?
Can I get a discount for buying Red Feather Romance Features in bulk?
How soon will I know if my book has been accepted for a Red Feather Romance Feature?
Where do I submit my book information for a Red Feather Romance Feature?
What happens if I purchase a Red Feather Romance Feature and then I need to change the date of my promotion?
How do I set up a Red Feather Romance Feature?
What if I pay for a Red Feather Romance Feature and my book does not meet your editorial criteria?
What is Red Feather Romance's refund policy?
Red Feather Romance Editorial Guidelines
Can I include non-Amazon US links in a Red Feather Romance Promotion?
Does Red Feather Romance promote books that are not written in English?
Can I start my Red Feather Romance Promotion with my book at one price and then switch the price during the day of the promotion?
Does Red Feather Romance promote books that are free?
What are Red Feather Romance's editorial guidelines for book descriptions?
Does Red Feather Romance accept books that are available on pre-order?
Do I have to wait 30 days to promote the same book on Red Feather Romance again?
How long does my book have to be in order to run a Red Feather Romance Promotion? Do you accept Novellas?
What are Red Feather Romance's Editorial Guidelines?
Can I promote a box set on Red Feather Romance?
Red Feather Romance Reader Information
How do I subscribe to Red Feather Romance?
I'm not receiving my Red Feather Romance newsletter anymore, why?
How do I change my Red Feather Romance newsletter preferences?
What can I do to make sure I don't miss any Red Feather Romance emails?
Is Red Feather Romance on social media anywhere?
How do I unsubscribe from Red Feather Romance?
How do I change which email address receives the Red Feather Romance newsletter?
What is Red Feather Romance?
Can I get discounted books from Red Feather Romance if I am outside of the US?
NewInBooks Author Information
NewInBooks General Information
What is a NewInBooks Promotion?
Does NewInBooks promote audiobooks?
What retailers do you include in NewInBooks book launches?
Can I include non-Amazon US links in a NewInBooks Promotion?
How can I get readers to leave reviews for my book after a NewInBooks Promotion?
Purchasing a NewInBooks Package
Can I purchase a NewInBooks Book Launch if my book isn't live yet?
What if I pay for a NewInBooks Book Launch and my book does not meet your editorial criteria?
Can I get a discount for buying NewInBooks Promotions in bulk?
How soon will I know if my book has been accepted for a NewInBooks Book Launch?
Where do I submit my book information for a NewInBooks Book Launch?
How do I set up a NewInBooks Book Launch?
How much does a NewInBooks Book Launch cost?
What happens if I purchase a NewInBooks Book Launch and then I need to change the date of my promotion?
What is NewInBooks' refund policy?
NewInBooks Editorial Guidelines
Can I promote a box set on NewInBooks?
Can I promote any kind of book with NewInBooks?
What are NewInBooks' Editorial Guidelines?
Does NewInBooks accept books that are available on pre-order?
How long does my book have to be in order to run a NewInBooks Book Launch? Do you accept Novellas?
Does my book need to be discounted for a NewInBooks Book Launch?
NewInBooks Reader Information
How do I change my NewInBooks newsletter preferences?
How do I subscribe to NewInBooks?
What can I do to make sure I don't miss a NewInBooks email?
How do I change my email address?
How do I unsubscribe from NewInBooks?
I have a friend who wants to start receiving NewInBooks emails, how do I sign them up?
Is NewInBooks on social media anywhere?
What is NewInBooks?
Can I get new release books from NewInBooks if I am outside of the US?
I'm not receiving my NewInBooks newsletter anymore, why?
Audio Thicket
Audio Thicket Listener Information
What app do I need to listen to these audiobooks on my device?
What is Audio Thicket?
How do I download these audiobooks from Google Play?
How do I download these audiobooks from Apple?
How do I download these audiobooks from Kobo?
I have a friend who wants to start receiving Audio Thicket emails. How do I sign them up?
How do I subscribe to Audio Thicket?
I'm not receiving my Audio Thicket newsletter anymore, why?
Can I get audiobooks from Audio Thicket if I am outside the US?
Is Audio Thicket on social media?
How do I change my Audio Thicket newsletter preferences?
What can I do to make sure I get Audio Thicket emails every week?
How do I change my email address?
Audio Thicket Author Information
Audio Thicket Editorial Guidelines
Does Audio Thicket promote audiobooks that are not written or narrated in English?
What are Audio Thicket's Editorial Guidelines?
What are Audio Thicket's editorial guidelines for book descriptions?
Audio Thicket General Information
Can I promote any type of audiobook on Audio Thicket?
What are the different promotion options for authors on Audio Thicket?
Can I include non-US Amazon links in an Audio Thicket Promotion?
What is Audio Thicket?
Why Email Marketing is Useful to Authors
How can I get readers to leave reviews for my book after an Audio Thicket Promotion?
What retailers do you include in Audio Thicket promotions?
Purchasing an Audio Thicket Feature
How long do I have to wait before promoting my audiobook again?
Where do I submit my book information for an Audio Thicket feature?
How much does an Audio Thicket promotion cost?
How soon will I know if my book has been accepted for an Audio Thicket feature?
How do I set up an Audio Thicket promotion?
What is Audio Thicket's refund policy?
Can I get a discount for purchasing Audio Thicket features in bulk?
Can I purchase an Audio Thicket promotion if my book isn't live yet?
What happens if I purchase an Audio Thicket feature and then I need to change the date of my promotion?
What if I pay for an Audio Thicket feature and my book doesn't meet your editorial criteria?
Reader Reach
Reader Reach Author Information
Reader Reach General Information
What is a Reader Reach Ad?
What retailers do you include in a Reader Reach Ad?
Can I include non-Amazon US links in a Reader Reach ad?
Where will I be able to see my Reader Reach Ad?
What kind of results can I expect from a Reader Reach Ad?
Purchasing a Reader Reach Ad
Where do I submit my book information for a Reader Reach Ad?
Can I purchase a Reader Reach Ad if my book isn’t live yet?
How much do Reader Reach Ads cost?
Can I get a discount for buying Reader Reach Ads in bulk?
What if I purchase a Reader Reach Ad and my book does not meet your editorial criteria?
How soon will I know if my book has been accepted for a Reader Reach Ad?
What happens if I purchase a Reader Reach Ad and then I need to change the date of the ad?
Reader Reach Editorial Guidelines
Subscriber Surge Giveaways
What is a Subscriber Surge Giveaway?
How long do Subscriber Surge Giveaways last?
What are the benefits of buying a Subscriber Surge Giveaway through Written Word Media?
What are Subscriber Surge Giveaways editorial guidelines?
How much do Subscriber Surge Giveaways cost?
How soon will I know if my book has been accepted for a Subscriber Surge Giveaway?
Can I include a non-US eBook in my Subscriber Surge Giveaway?
What if I need to make changes to my Giveaways?
What is the refund policy for Subscriber Surge Giveaways?
When will I see a Giveaway in my Genre?
How do I read my exported list of subscribers?
Promo Stacks
What are Promo Stacks?
What is the refund policy?
What are Promo Stack editorial guidelines?
What if I need to make changes to my Promo Stack?
How soon will I know if my book has been accepted for a Promo Stack?
What are the benefits of buying a promo stack through Written Word Media?
How much do Promo Stacks cost?
Can I include a non-US Amazon link in my Promo Stack?
Partner Promos
Hello Books
Hello Books Author Information
What is a Hello Books promotion?
What are the benefits of a Hello Books promotion?
How much does a Hello Books promotion cost?
What are the Hello Books editorial guidelines?
Can I include non-US Amazon links in a Hello Books promotion?
What retailers do you include in Hello Books promotions?
Can I purchase a Hello Books promotion if my book isn’t live yet?
Does Hello Books accept books that are available for pre-order?
How soon will I know if my book has been accepted for a Hello Books promotion?
What if I need to make changes to my Hello Books promotion?
Where can I see my Hello Books promotion?
How do I cancel my Hello Books promotion that was booked through Written Word Media?
What is the Hello Books refund policy?
How do I discount my book in the UK or other international marketplaces?
Hello Books Reader Information
What brands do you currently partner with?
All Categories > Reader Reach > Reader Reach Author Information > Purchasing a Reader Reach Ad > Can I get a discount for buying Reader Reach Ads in bulk?
Grant Shepherd
At this time, Reader Reach Ads are not available to purchase in bulk at a discounted price.
Click here to purchase a regularly priced Reader Reach Ad.